Frequently Asked Questions

From Archaelund Wiki

Pre-release questions

Q: When will Archaelund be released?
A: The goal is to release the first Early Access version on Jan 8 2024, then providing gradual updates over the following years until all the planned content is implemented. The priority is making the game as good and huge as it can get, so no dates are set in stone.
Q: On which platforms will the game be released?
A: During Early Access the game will only be available on Steam. Later on it will most likely be released on other platforms too, including Linux, Mac, and popular consoles. However, at this time it is too early to confirm any particular release.
Q: Will it also be released on mobile?
A: A mobile release is not yet confirmed, as it's a quite big and complex game. It would require heavy simplifications and a completely reworked interface, so this can only happen (eventually) after the game is complete.
Q: Will the game be translated to other languages?
A: Yes, multiple translations are planned, which will happen on a community basis. First releases will be in English and Spanish, though.
Q: Will there be controller support?
A: Yes.
Q: Is Archaelund a sequel to Exiled Kingdoms?
A: No, Archaelund is a stand-alone game set in the world of Exiled Kingdoms (EK). Visually and conceptually it will be very different from EK, and it will certainly be much bigger, more complex and more ambitious. But there will be plenty of references to events and characters from EK.
Q: Which races will be playable?
A: The following races have been confirmed so far:
  • Human
  • Varannari
  • Minotaur
  • Batrax
  • Goblin
  • Quartzan
  • Rexadon
Q: Which classes will be available?
A: There will be no classes, but careers. The difference is that you stay in a career for certain levels, but eventually switch to a different one during the course of the game. For example, you may start as an Apprentice, later on becoming a Mage, but decide to not pursue magic anymore with that character and switch to Mercenary, ending up as an interesting hybrid character. In total there will be around 60 careers in Archaelund, half of them basic and the other half advanced (i.e. they have requisites).
Q: What about the Invisible Swamp Donkey?
A: There are unconfirmed rumors that this mysterious creature will make an appearance in the game, but where and how is completely unknown at this point. After all, it's invisible...